Monday, August 4, 2008

Paper Writing Party!

I'm sure mostly everybody is writing their rough draft today. SO...... PAPER WRITING PARTY! Main Stacks Level D is where it's at until evening? Hope to see you here for some great Hawthorne, Holley, Chesnutt bonding.


Sunday, July 27, 2008

What's with the blog?

I know, "Blogging? Really? What a total hipster thing to do." But whatever, sometimes I have ideas that I think would be cool to write down and it's a lot easier for things to be saved online nowadays. Well, hopefully I can add cool things to this blog so that people don't get bored reading it or anything (not that I'm expecting a ton of people to read anyway). So first post-- what I did today.

I gave a tour of this:

I watched these:

I did not do this:

As you may be able to tell I'm still trying to figure out how the heck to use this thing.